This short film titled "A Therapy" is directed by the famous Roman Polanski and acted by one of my favourite actress, Helena Bonham Carter, and Ben Kingsley.
The Story line isn't a wow-factor but the film reminds me of the Dark Shadows, where Helena Bonham Carter acts as a therapist to the Johnny Depp's family. Ha!
Anyway, despite the not surprising storyline, this short film is nicely made, with the great cast and the superb director; oh! Of course the main thing is the Prada products!
I love Helena's outfit!! The purple x lipstic red!
And of course the fur, but hell, the dilemma and all the debates arise when it comes to fashion x animal fur.
So I better keep my mouth shut on this topic.
Anyway, I love the purple there.
I enjoy the short film. I hope you all do too :)