To be frank, I just can't get over this Menswear SS13 by Meadham Kirchhoff, even though it is like about a month ago!!
I really like the designers' way to express this collection.
The whole pictures look graceful, even with the 'messiness' that was purposely created. Everything was just so harmoniously connected.
Love the flowery, love the colours, love the mood, love how messy the places were.. love everything.
Also love the effort of the hairstylist, James Pecis, for this SS13; I agree with him that it is not easy to let go all the learnt knowledge in order to create this messy patchy hair styles, as his intention is to create the feeling that the boys did the hair by themselves in the morning at 4am after the night out.
So boys, you could actually go for flowery you know?
Enjoy summer!
[Sources: Youtube and Dazed Digital]